Anything and Everything?

One of my favourite evening past times is to take a long walk.  There is nothing like a walk to cleanse the mind of all the business and craziness that it encounters every day.  I began to walk again this February after having surgery.  At first, it was short, quick walks to the stop sign and back home.  Mind you, February in Ontario does get bitterly cold.  So bundled amongst layers of scarves, hats and boots, I headed out every day that I could, enduring bone chilling winds and teeth chattering cold, to get in my daily walk.  But I loved it!  Being outdoors, hearing the snow crunch beneath my feet, the winter birds chirping, the sunlight as it twinkles upon the frozen crystals hanging from branches of trees and even on brown, over grown weeds in the ditches, brings such delight and wonderment to my senses.  If only I could walk out like this every day.  

As spring started to slowly roll in, my walks became ever farther from my house.  Sometimes, I would walk by myself and sometimes, with my daughter, Kaitlin, to Lynedoch cemetery, which is actually named Evergreen Cemetary.  A round trip from our house and back was 5km and we could do it in less than 45 minutes.  But many of the times we go there, we lose track of time because it is one of the most peaceful and serene places I have ever been.  You walk through the front gate and the down a small slope, surrounded by tall pine trees.  There are some other trees, as well, that allow light to gently filter down onto the headstones.  Because of its location, the cemetary is very quiet, with only birds twittering amongst the trees.  A few squirrels run up and down trees and along the driveway, gathering nuts that have fallen from the oak trees standing watch.  We often walk amongst the tombstones, noting the years and age of them, if we can read the words at all.  Many stones are weather beaten and covered in whitish-green moss, making them barely legible.  Anyway, it’s one of our favourite places to walk!
Snowy field.

Snow out in the field by my home.
